HOLIDAY UPDATE - I am away from the 3rd - 9th Feb, so all orders during this time will be dispatched from the 10th Feb.

An Evolutionary tale of my stall..

An Evolutionary tale of my stall..

Over the years, my market stall has changed a whole lot. It barely goes one market without me at least tweaking something!

When I first started doing markets I was known as Creation Station.
Along with some very simple jewellery designs, I also made and sold hand felted bowls and purses, patchwork-y baubels, fairy light type things, and whatever other random bits and pieces I'd decided to make!
It was very all over the place, but it was colourful and fun!

I then started to make natural body care products - a venture which did not last very long, but seemed to work more cohesively with my recycled silver jewellery, than the previous work had. Or so I thought! When I look back now, I'm really not sure why I thought I could balance doing a good job on two completely separate projects, whilst also working a full time job! We live and we learn though!

And then, in July 2018, I ditched all of my other sporadic creations and decided to rebrand my business and focus solely on jewellery - finally!

Since then, I've traded at a lot of markets, with my stall constantly evolving. I'm not sure it will ever be a finished product, as I love changing things around and playing with different ways of displaying my jewellery.

So, here's a little look back in to the history of my market stall, starting with my first one ever, back in December 2015!

December 2015, Allonsfield House Christmas Market. 
November 2016, Hadleigh Market. 
You can already see quite a big change from market number 1!
The tablecloth is the only thing that has remained a constant right up until today!
March 2017, 'Cocktails and Cake' at the Crown.
Here come the body products! The look of my stall calms down and gets a bit more natural looking!
November 2017, Old Jet Market.
This was such an annoying a bulky set up to cart around, but I do actually still quite like it!
December 2017, Old Jet Market.
A festive set up!
October 2018, Old Jet Market.
Bluebell Lane's second outing! The first one being at Folkeast Festival, but I'll cover this in another newsletter soon!
March 2019, Old Jet Market.
Another new layout!
April 2019, Felixstowe Eco Market.
Layout stays the same, but backboards turn grey!
June 2019, First Light Festival, Lowestoft.
Again, layout stay the same, but dark grey rectangles appear on the backboards!
November 2019, Bluebell Lane's Christmas Gathering for friends and family at my folks house - one of my favourite days of the year!
Backboards have stayed the same, but everything is displayed on stone now..
March 2020, Old Jet Market.
The last market before lockdown..
End of March 2020, Makers Market from Home.
All set up in my garden ready for a virtual market over instagram. 
As you can see, there are quite a few changes to this stall setup!!

I'm looking forward to when I can be back at markets, it's always so lovely to meet my customers face to face! Until then though, virtual it shall be!

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